171 research outputs found

    A review of glyphosate application: the health-related effect

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    Introduction and purpose The glyphosate (GLY) is a systemic herbicide and cropp desiccant registered for use in more than 130 countries. The herbicide is applied to control more than 160 weeds. Despite the declarations about complete biodegradability of herbicide, is difficult to complete elimination of it. GLY may affect the activity of cytochrome P450, the gut microbiome and metals chelation and thus have an adverse health effect. The evidence suggests a relationship between the use of GLY and numerous chronic diseases. The aim of this paper was to review the available literature that examined the health-related effect of GLY. The state of knowledge Numerous studies have confirmed the adverse effects of GLY on health. GLY injection in high dose initiate processes involved in cancerogenesis. In human studies, the GLY use was related with 41% higher risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. GLY can lead to endocrine changes, including corticosterone levels and steroidogenesis. In pregnant women population, the higher GLY concentrations in urine were related with shorter pregnancy length. GLY could affects gut microbiome and leading to the development of intestinal dysbiosis, gut-brain axis and central nervous system changes. The formulated complexes GLY-minerals may damage nephrons. The nephrotoxic effect of herbicide was confirmed in human studies. Conclusions Most of the studies assessed the short term health-related effect of GLY. Obtained results do not reflect the environmental exposure which lasting many years. There is an urgent need to assess the long term effect of GLY in small doses in high-quality epidemiological studies

    Książka katolicka w Polsce : wydawcy i formy promocji (od roku 1989)

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    The aim of the thesis is to contrast the system of a religious book/literature with the whole publishing market in order to show its independence and speci cs. The author observed the distinctiveness through the analysis of the repertoire, information gathered from the publishers, bibliographical studies as well as active participation in Catholic Publishers Fairs and critical approach to incomplete economic data. A catalog of catholic publishers has been created based on the collected information. This database is an appendix to the thesis. The description of the catholic book was not an easy task as the situation of the literature of confession has been undergoing steady changes since 1989. A book as a medium of broad social in uence functions in a close relationship with institutions responsible for its distribution and availability and via those institutions with the reader as well. The relations which appear between a book and the elements mentioned refer to catholic publications, too. We can enlist a couple of elements which allow us to separate the subsystem of catholic publications which is an integral part of contemporary book system. Certain elements belong to it, for example: a group of publishers of distinctly de ned pro le, separate institutions promoting catholic publications, the audience, which assigns the catholic book a characteristic function and discloses the speci cs of the book reception and nally the institutions, actions and endeavours promoting catholic publications. The analysis of the respective elements forms the basic volume of the thesis

    Oferta wydawnicza i czytelnicy w systemie książki wydawców katolickich

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    W kulturę czytania wpisuje się m.in. percepcja tytułów o profilu katolickim. Książka wydawców katolickich ma na tyle ugruntowaną pozycję w branży edytorskiej, że możemy mówić o istnieniu odrębnego systemu. Posiada ona bowiem swoich wydawców, instytucje upowszechniające, publiczność i instytucje promujące. Edytorzy książki katolickiej, kreując ofertę wydawniczą, uwzględniają segmentację rynku, obiegi czytelnicze i wzory zachowań odbiorów. Przekłada się to bezpośrednio na propozycje tytułowe wprowadzane na rynek księgarski

    Sytuacja wydawców książki katolickiej w Polsce przed rokiem 1989

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    Catholic book publishers in Poland are important participants of the book market. The history of catholic printing offices reaches the Old Polish period. The first publications were sponsored by the convent printing houses and in the 19th and 20th century the professional printing offices began to emerge. The article presents a brief history of editors related with Catholic Church until the year 1989

    Influence of modelling phase transformations with the use of LSTM network on the accuracy of computations of residual stresses for the hardening process

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    Replacing mathematical models with artificial intelligence tools can play an important role in numerical models. This paper analyses the modeling of the hardening process in terms of temperature, phase transformations in the solid state and stresses in the elastic-plastic range. Currently, the use of artificial intelligence tools is increasing, both to make greater generalizations and to reduce possible errors in the numerical simulation process. It is possible to replace the mathematical model of phase transformations in the solid state with an artificial neural network (ANN). Such a substitution requires an ANN network that converts time series (temperature curves) into shares of phase transformations with a small training error. With an insufficient training level of the network, significant differences in stress values will occur due to the existing couplings. Long-Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks were chosen for the analysis. The paper compares the differences in stress levels with two coupled models using a macroscopic model based on CCT diagram analysis and using the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov (JMAK) and Koistinen-Marburger (KM) equations, against the model memorized by the LSTM network. In addition, two levels of network training accuracy were also compared. Considering the results obtained from the model based on LSTM networks, it can be concluded that it is possible to effectively replace the classical model in modeling the phenomena of the heat treatment process

    Analiza użyteczności wybranych polskich serwisów internetowych z zakresu Open Access za pomocą narzędzia Lighthouse

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    Free access to education – as per Open Access movement – is based on the fact that a user can reach data at any place, any time, and by using various sources. This rule agrees with business model 4A about accessing organization database, and it implies the necessity of designing web pages helping their users accessing a source of information conveniently. A role of this article is to discuss the 4A Rule and its influence on using the information, retaining users, as well as reviewing performance of chosen Open Access service. Using Lighthouse as a tool allows pointing out any errors on the web page’s performance and its quality. This article is enriched by literature about creating web pages, as well as by writer’s comments based on author’s experience


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    "Droga literacka Jerzego Lieberta została niespodziewanie przerwana przedwczesną śmiercią w czasie, gdy poeta dopiero rozpoczął dojrzałość twórczą. Na jego dorobek liryczny składają się trzy niewielkie tomiki: Druga ojczyzna (1925), Gusła (1930) oraz Kołysanka jodłowa (tom pośmiertny z 1932 roku), które stanowią pasjonujący zapis kształtowania się poety i człowieka. Niezwykle istotnym dopełnieniem książek poetyckich jest zbiór listów do Bronisławy Wajngold – młodzieńczej powierniczki i przyjaciółki, bardziej znanej w literaturze polskiej pod imieniem Agnieszka, które przyjęła, wstępując do klasztoru, co miało ważne konsekwencje dla rozwoju ich relacji oraz wyraźnie wpłynęło na treść i klimat duchowych poszukiwań Lieberta" [...] (fragm.


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    Władysław Sebyła. Lektury to – w zamierzeniu autorów – zbiór studiów i szkiców, będących efektem uważnej lektury twórczości wpisanej jednoznacznie w katastroficzny paradygmat, lecz w wielu szczegółowych aspektach słabo rozpoznanej i niepoddanej wcześniej literaturoznawczej refleksji. Zebrane interpretacje utworów Sebyły współopisują fenomen jego niezwykłej, gęstej wyobraźni i pełnego wewnętrznych napięć światopoglądu, szkicują wieloaspektowy portret poety i jego dzieła, projektują wokół niego przestrzeń potencjalnej dyskusji. Składają się tym samym na wielogłosową monografię twórczości Sebyły, której podstawy tworzą interpretacyjne zdarzenia, osobowość czytających i różnorakie lekturowe konteksty. Te głosy wzajemnie się uzupełniają i komentują. Tom poświęcony Władysławowi Sebyle rozpoczyna planowaną serię monograficznych odczytań poezji międzywojennej, podejmujących przygodę uważnej, wielowymiarowej lektury. Liryka Dwudziestolecia czeka wciąż na wnikliwych interpretatorów oraz nowych czytelników

    Low virus to prokaryote ratios in the cold: benthic viruses and prokaryotes in a subpolar marine ecosystem (Hornsund, Svalbard)

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    The density and spatial distribution of benthic viruses and prokaryotes in relation to biotic and abioticfactors were investigated in sediment cores collected in Hornsund, a permanently cold fjord on the West coast of Svalbard,Norway. The cores were obtained from the mouth of the fjord to the central basin, along a longitudinal transect. Theresults of our analyses showed lower densities of viruses (0.2 × 108 to 5.4 × 108 virus-like particles/g) and lower virus-toprokaryoteratios (0.2-0.6, with the exception of the uppermost layer in the central basin, where the ratio was about 1.2)at the study site than generally found in the temperate areas, despite the relatively high organic matter content in subpolarsediments. Variations in benthic viral and prokaryote abundances along gradients of particle sedimentation rates, phytopigmentconcentrations, and macrobenthic species composition together suggested the influence of particle sedimentationand macrobenthic bioturbation on the abundance and spatial distribution of prokaryotes and viruses in cold habitats. [IntMicrobiol 2013; 16(1):45-52